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The Basic Six Inc. philosophy 


Facing the challenges following a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Diagnostic tests,surgery, treatment options and fear... You envision your life flying past you and you feel you can't stop it.

Prior to, you felt in control and now this diagnosis has taken you out of the game. But, the dust does settle, you acquire a course of action, tighten your belt and get into the ring to fight. You fight the healthcare system and insurance carriers. Every round seems to be another punch and then the final left hook connects..... Hair loss, eyebrows and lashes thinning, complexion changes,dreading your reflection in the mirror.Most of all, you feel deflated...You google for solutions . The answers are more confusing than the problems. Tons of products claiming to replace, renew, refresh, camouflage, easy to do and budget friendly. Unfortunately, you are left without an answer......


" The Basic Six, Inc. " is THAT solution.. It is a beauty program aimed to empower those who need it most during a health crisis. Using only SIX products, SIX steps and SIX minutes, anyone can regain that cosmetic part of themselves that has been temporarily lost. During scheduled tutorial sessions, our licensed and certified cosmetologists will share our product selections and our step by step program. A new you in SIX...... one glance in the mirror will prove it.. 

Since the onset of the Pandemic we have come to realize the drastic rise in mental illness amongst our teens. In addition, according to psychologist Dr. Jean Twenge, " It's a fundamental change in how teens spend their leisure time .... more time with screens, less time with friends face to face, less time sleeping - that's a very poor recipe for mental health. " AND, suicide is now the second leading cause of death among young americans. 

How can we at " The Basic Six Inc. " touch the lives of teens who are in such a crisis. Perhaps by simply offering a welcoming emotional, physical and cosmetic environment of acceptance. As RuPaul so succinctly put it in his " Looking Good Feeling Gorgeous " lyrics, " Woke up this morning, it's a brighter day .... I looked in the mirror, saw a new face ....Cause I got myself together steppin in time .... Everything's better, this day is mine. " " The Basic Six Inc. "  cordially invites all teens to join us at sessions specifically designed with their age in mind.A make-up party is not complete without a four legged friend joining in. Our bilingual therapy dog, Molly Jo will welcome all with open paws ......

The Basic Six, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation.

The Basic Six Inc.

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